About us

About us


Our mission is to enable our students to achieve their potential and become contributing members of society through a well-rounded education that involves critical thinking, modern technology and active parent participation of students, teachers, parents and community members.

Educating children to become good citizens is a responsibility jointly shared by the home and the school, and one that must be carried out. With this in mind, daily acts of citizenship should be performed by adults and children alike, in a respectful manner.

We must work together to set good examples of good citizenship by displaying proper respect for our country, ourselves and others through acts of courtesy, co-operation, thoughtfulness, honesty, reverence and good sportsmanship. The actions of children mirror the actions of adults around them.

Let school and home support each other in providing good citizenship models for our students.


teaching staff

Safe Learning environment


All new learners and their parents will be invited to request a tour of the school. Learners will be introduced to their new teachers and shown to their classrooms, thereby making the anticipation of attending school the following year a pleasant one for them.

Guide for parents

This will be a great year at Rosehill Primary School.  Our staff is outstanding and as a “family” unit parents and teachers will work together to provide a wonderful education for our terrific boys and girls. This handbook is one way to bring the parents, teachers and students of Rosehill Primary School together.

Only together can we accomplish a program of well-rounded education for all of our children. In this book you will find the answers to most of your questions. Please call our helpful staff at the school office for more information on 031 564 1593.

Our boys and girls deserve our best efforts. Excellent school attendance, punctuality, a good night’s sleep, a nutritional breakfast, and having the proper supplies needed in school are all part of a program of success for students.


Learners are expected to show respect for themselves, for other learners, and their teachers.  In order for our school to create optimal learning, we expect learners to behave in ways which are acceptable to classmates and conducive to learning. Misbehavior on the part of learners can be corrected more easily when home and school work together